An interview with Swoon Worthy founder Kimberly Duran: Dreams, Decoration + Designing with purpose
A new series of chats in the kitchen with some of the most inspiring, go-getter women I know.
Join us every fortnight for a chat about work, life and design.
Kimberly Duran, Interior Blogger, content + social media marketer, editor + freelance writer
I am so thrilled to be interviewing one of my long-time favourite design bloggers today. Back when interior blogging was very new to me, I didn't actually know if any other interior blogs existed, with the exception of USA blogs like A Beautiful Mess, Young House Love and others so I remember going on a hunt for UK home decoration bloggers that I could follow and relate more to their posts. 4 years on, and I am still as hooked on Kimberly's blog Swoon Worthy as I was when I first found her blog that day. Only now I get the added bonus of chatting with Kimberly for all sorts of blogging, career and home decoration advice. Kimberly is one inspiring lady.
Kimberly's blog won the coveted Blogger’s Choice Award at the Amara Interior Blog Awards (2016) and the Most Creative Project at the Callwey Best of Interior Blog Awards (2015). She's also been shortlisted (top 5) in the Best DIY Blog category in the Amara Interior Awards for three years running and was named one of the Top 10 Interior Design Blogs by The Daily Telegraph (2015).
It's safe to say we're amongst expert kin here. So here I am in Kimberly's virtual kitchen chatting to her about life, work, blogging and her productivity.
Grab a cuppa and join us...
Fi + Kimberly
Kimberly, it's so wonderful to be able to share your story on my blog today. The chances are very high that my readers already know about you, so I want to start with a question that selfishly I really want to hear ;)
What work do you do that gets you really excited?
I adore styling products in my own home and shooting projects for collaborations. I especially love the challenge of finding a way to work with a brand to bring their products to light in the best possible way. I want my readers to get as excited as I do about updating your space and making the most of what you already have whilst introducing the odd new piece to freshen up your home.
I also love completely redesigning a space top to bottom. I’ve had so much fun over the years working on our home and sharing the process with my readers is always enjoyable.
It's been so fun following your house progress on your blog. Your stunning images and updates allow us readers to really feel and see your enthusiasm for it!
I'm curious to hear which project have you worked on in your life, that you're most proud of?
A few years back, I volunteered to help design a house in Manchester for homeless LGBT youth via the Albert Kennedy Trust charity and their Purple Door Project. They had a super tight timeline but I got a few sponsors on board to donate wallpaper and paint and appliances and we painted and decorated. With the help of volunteers, we were able pull together a really cute and stylish place for these kids on a tiny budget. It wasn’t the ‘best design I’ve ever done’ or anything like that but it was just giving these marginalised kids a really lovely place to stay instead of being on the streets. And after we’d put the finishing touches on it and the house started welcoming them, I spoke to a young girl who had just arrived with her bags. She told me how much she loved the house and how beautiful it was and it just was the best feeling ever. I’d love to do more projects like that. It was so satisfying.
That is such a wonderful story, Kimberly. There really is nothing like working on projects with a really strong social purpose and I know from any volunteer work I have done, I often get more from it than the people I'm trying to help.
Let's talk more about what got you to where you are today and how you've come to be a full time freelancer and blogger. What single, pivotal decision have you made in your life, that has got you to where you are now, or taught you something invaluable?
Oh, that’s a hard one! I can look back on my life and see so many ‘sliding door’ moments where things could have ended up very differently for me. For instance, I decided to marry an English guy I met online and only knew for 8 months and move to England from the US. That was pretty pivotal! Or I could talk about just starting my blog which has lead me down a road I would never have even imagined. However, for the sake of something readers can relate to, I suppose deciding to make a go of my blog as a full-time career has probably been one of the biggest decisions I’ve made in the last few years that’s had such an impact on my life. Jumping off the corporate ladder was a huge and scary decision and I had no idea if I’d be able to support myself. But it’s a decision I’ve never for one moment regretted. It’s taught me self-determination and self-reliance and I’ve discovered I can achieve what I set out to do, despite setbacks, despite criticism. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the process and I get to do what I love every day of the week.
OK, I've just breathed a sigh of relief hearing this, Kimberly. I've just made a similar leap into the unknown, working for myself and starting up different projects to try and support myself financially. It's flipping scary but for me, the dream is so clear. I know exactly what I want it's just a case of me now putting the hard work in to achieve it.
When it comes to your blog/business, what's your biggest dream for it? What would you one day like to do?
I would love to design a line of products. That’s my big dream, creating pieces that could potentially end up in people’s homes. Furniture, accessories, lighting – I want to do it all!
You would be incredible at that, wow. It will absolutely happen at this rate too, hard work always pays off. How can we (me and readers) support you so that this can become a reality, pronto?
I’d love for people to pop over to Swoon Worthy and see if you like it! If you do, I’d love for you to sign up for my emails and you’ll get my free guide on creating an eclectic boho glam look on a budget! Or, you can follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.