Updates: We're buying a new house!
You read my earlier post right?
The part where I threw a bit of a paddy about life, gave up my blog and felt even more miserable and burnt out as a result.
Well aside from all that, there's been some proper big decisions made in the last few months that I want to share, which also contributed to my M.I.A. stint on here.
So here goes... first up, we've sold our flat!
Yep, 2 years of hard work doing this place up to be our perfect first home, and now we're giving it all up to move on to our next bigger project.
The whole process of actually selling a property has been a STEEP learning curve for us, having never sold a place before. It's been a crazy, emotional rollercoaster few months, so a break from the blog was pretty welcome. But I've learned more about properties, offers, mortgages and negotiations in the last 6 weeks than I ever thought possible and it dawned on me that this stuff I really need to blog about.
There aren't many #truestory property buying/selling articles out there on the interwebs (like, true story, not those seedy listicles you get in the first 10 results on google) and since I wrote my 10 commandments to live by when saving for a house post, I realised a lot of first time buyers value some direction when first buying a home, from someone other than an estate agent you don't know whether to trust.
Also, for anyone who has never sold a house before, there are questions that popped up for me I had to learn the hard way that I want to share. So I'm hoping to write more #truestory posts in coming weeks for anyone on the market.
Secondly, we're on the market for a mega fixer upper
Our current 1 bed flat has been so fun decorating over the years, but now I've become more confident (and kinda obsessive) over interior design, I want a bigger project to sink my teeth in to.
We actually put an offer down on a house which was a total 60s time bomb that needed pretty much gutting, fairly early on in our buying/selling journey, so lost the bid to a cash buyer (boo) but we're pretty adamant we'll be buying somewhere that needs some TLC which I'm super excited about.
I finally feel like I'll get the opportunity to design an actual home based on everything Neil & I love. We won't just be buying into the previous owner's taste, and live with a disgusting kitchen because it's only 2 years old and it would be a shame to chuck it.
So plenty more renovation stories to come if we can find a property with the right bones.
Finally, have you noticed? I've completely redesigned my blog
You likey?
See. I haven't been totally absent from the world of blogging during my M.I.A. stint.
I feel like everyone who runs a business or blog needs a holiday from the whole thing once in a while so you can disconnect from it all, come back to it with a fresh set of eyes and decisions will be much more focussed.
I actually switched my whole blog over to Squarespace from Blogger. I could talk about this all day (it was a kinda painful process which I wouldn't recommend) but I finally feel much more flexible with the type of content I can create now.
Like a house, this blog is just a shell at the mo. It needs a little more love. Cuteness on the sidebar and maybe a gif or three. So bear with whilst I get my design on! Right now, I'm focussing only on the writing.
Let's do this. Here's to another year of change.
I can't wait!