Books to read in 2019: On my reading list | Self Help

Books to read in 2019

Self help books line the shelves in my house. I’ve read all the cult-following self help classics from How to win friends and influence people, to Chicken Soup for the soul. I can’t get enough of them.

In fact, I’ve read so many I think I’ve made a bit of a ‘name’ for myself in my friendship circle - You want to work on xyz? Oh, go to Fi, she’ll have just the book that will help you work through it 😂If there’s a problem, there’s a book that can help you start to find answers to it, that’s my belief.

I’ve still got so many I want to read. So I thought I’d share what’s on my 2019 reading list, in case any resonate with you.

I hope one of these books inspires you to work on what’s holding you back or live a better life and be the best version of yourself <3


On my reading list: Books to read in 2019 | Self Help

You are a badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life By Jen Sincero

I’ll start with this book as it’s at the top of my reading list pile. Neil gave it to me as a Christmas gift and I’m already half way through. Already it’s helped me think more realistically about life, and not get so worked up about what other people think of me. Highly recommend it so far.

*EDIT: I finished this book on holiday and OMG it’s brilliant. Some fantastic action points to carry through and live life free from worry/regret.

You are a badass at making money: Master the mindset of wealth By Jen Sincero

Same author, but this time discussing wealth consciousness. I’m a big believer in the law of attraction so really curious to read Jen’s ‘badass’ take on it as the law of attraction can seem quite a ‘woo woo’ subject to some.

Atomic Habits: An easy and proven way to build new habits and break bad ones By James Clear

This was a gift from my brother-in-law-to-be for Christmas, he shares a love for self improvement as Neil and I do. I don’t know anyone that doesn’t want to be better at forming/committing to new habits and I’m so glad I received this book. It has some incredible reviews, full of practical advice to set and maintain habits - the key to success in my view.

*EDIT: I just started reading it after I finished Book 1 on this list and so far it is gripping. It weaves in success stories of many CEOs and athletes, who owe habit forming to their success. Recommended.

Awaken the giant within: How to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial life By Tony Robbins

Love everything about Tony Robbins on Youtube but this will be my first book by him. His videos MOVE me, like seriously. He’s a genius at picking people up when they’re down and changing mindsets.

The Almanac: A seasonal guide to 2019 By Lia Leendertz

I found this book advertised in December 2018’s Country Living magazine and it jumped out at me as a way to make more of the things I choose to eat, see and do depending on the seasons. It’s just arrived in the post today and is such a well illustrated book. The perfect coffee table accompaniment, looking forward to have a flick through :)

Wabi Sabi: Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life By Beth Kempton

If one of your resolutions this year is to live minimally and cherish the beauty in every day, every possession you own and every decision you make, this is the book to help that. I actually bought it and read it last year when it was released but it’s SO good I've got it on my 2019 book list to read again.

The art of coorie: How to live happy the Scottish way By Gabriella Bennett

I adore the concept of Coorie after I read about it in Vogue a while ago. Apparently it’s Scotland’s answer to ‘hygge’. It must be my Gaelic genes that has drawn me to it I think. This is the only book I haven’t bought/got yet but it’s on my Amazon wish list and I’ll be reading it this year. I’m keeping an eye on it to come down in price as they often do a 30% sale on Amazon books every now and then. Worth watching out for!

What’s on your 2019 reading list? I’d love to hear. Type in the comments below or DM me on Instagram, I’m @fifimcgeee

*This post contains affiliate links meaning I will make a small percentage if you buy one to read. This really helps me keep my blog running so thank you if you do choose to buy through these links. As always I would never share any products, books or services that I am not genuinely reading/considering/about to purchase.