Bringing country charm to our guest bedroom | Home Decor Ideas

This post is in collaboration with, to read more about why I have become a brand ambassador for this brand click here.

country bedroom decoration
country home decoration guest bedroom

I can’t remember the last time our guest bedroom was featured on this blog. It was one of the first rooms in the house we renovated, in a very basic way. We pulled up the carpets, sanded back the floors, plastered and painted so that we had somewhere sane to sleep and get dressed.

We’re still using this room as our stand-in bedroom while we save up for the master bedroom, so I’ve inevitably been making all the home decor decisions in this room to remain as ‘guest bedroom’ focussed as possible. For example, we haven’t invested in any built-in storage or expensive furniture or anything yet – I’d rather keep it simple and invest in the Master bedroom instead.

Bringing more character to the guest bedroom

So with this, the room has always been a bit of a blank canvas while we’ve been decorating the rest of the house, and I guess you could say it’s been a bit forgotten about while it’s been serving the purpose of somewhere to sleep/get dressed as the renovation work’s been happening.

So… when Studio tasked me with the opportunity to select my favourite interior pieces from their new lines and style somewhere in our house, I thought it was the perfect chance to give this guest bedroom a little country character, while showing you some affordable home decor pieces from their new collections.
country bedroom decor ideas

Achieving this country bedroom look with 3 items

I was able to change the look of this room from blank canvas to country charm, with just 3 items. First, this country inspired Leah Table Lamp, which is a steal for £21.99. Next, a pair of Hopsack Natural curtains to warm the room and provide near-blackout light control – which were really inexpensive too. And finally this hand illustrated Hares Duvet set from Studio’s Sophie Allport collection which I think epitomises country charm.

I’ve always wanted to keep this bedroom as neutral and calm as possible to compliment the decor in other rooms of the house and to create a pretty tranquil space to relax in, and looking through Studio’s home decor lines, I was pretty spoilt for choice. I managed to narrow down options that I knew would work for a modern farmhouse vibe by going for taupe, ivory, cream and light brown items that paired against crisp white sheets and white furniture well. For me, neutral is the ultimate colour scheme for any country home.

I think what I love most about this room now, is that the accessories within it are pretty timeless. The curtains will match almost any colour if we come to repaint the walls, and the lamp can easily be unplugged and used in the living room, hallway or office.

Those are the two things I love most when shopping for bits for the house – if it’s affordable, and versatile, I’m having it :) Studio definitely ticks those two boxes for me.

styling a guest bedroom
home decor blog
country look lamp guest bedroom
Fifi McGee interior blogger UK

I really hope you like my mini guest bedroom update. I’d love to know what you think – do you like the country look in a bedroom or do you prefer a more modern feel? Let me know in the comments below or follow me over on Instagram where I’ll be sharing more styling ideas inside our home, and favourites from Studio’s collections.

My next post in collaboration with Studio will be looking at how to create a hotel vibe in your room, for the ultimate staycation. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading,

Fifi xoxo

Ps, Photography all by Neil W Shaw