We've moved! – Hello No. 42

We've moved! – Hello No. 42

After what can only be described as the most anxious couple of months, I can finally say that last Friday we moved into a 1930s 3 bed house in Brighton (selling our one bedroom flat in Hove).

The relief to have keys in hand!

We chose probably the worst time in political history to buy and sell. I still can't quite believe we pulled it off. Madness came over the country slap bang in the middle of our conveyancing and about a week before completion, I really thought it was all over. So thanks for that Brexit!

We had a slight blip the week before when our buyers almost pulled out of the sale forcing us to put our flat back on the market but miracles happened and come Monday morning we exchanged contracts. 

It was a painful bye bye to our beloved Goldstone Villas (see the full tour of our old flat) as we packed up and drove to the suburbs. 

Move Day

When we moved into Goldstone Villas 2 years ago, being first timers we didn't have much furniture so hired a man with a van and did a lot of heavy lifting ourselves. It was fine, but there's no way I was doing that again given we have about triple the amount of furniture including a very heavy Chesterfield Sofa Bed. 

So this time we enlisted the help of 2 removal guys and a Luton Van who were totally brill. They turned up at the flat, told us to relax whilst they did all the filling and we met them on the other side at No.42. 

They made the whole thing look easy. I felt like a right spoilt brat chilling back with a cuppa tea whilst people were sweating around me, haha. If you're Sussex based and moving soon, check out Eddie's Removals. It was a fixed fee of £250 to not lift a finger. SO reasonable, and lovely lads. 

We're so happy to be here. Here's an obligatory selfie with a view from the back of the house. Still in shock that we have a huge garden and greenhouse. This is really surreal given our 1 bed flat was tiny in comparison. 

I'll put a full "Before" tour of the house up really soon so you can see inside. I've had rather vague ideas for changing the floor plan a little, and still have zero clue on what colours, layouts and flooring to buy. 

For now, we want to spend the next 2-3 weeks living in the place with its granny furnishings, noting down what works and doesn't work for us, and then the fun begins... decoration!

Can't wait to share more!

Fi x

*Update: See the full before and after shots inside our house here*

Edit: Years on, Fi is now an interior designer in Brighton, running her own design + renovation company that specialises in Modern Country design. Take a look at her services if you’re looking for support with your project.

Fiona Duffy

Interior Designer & Renovator
Specialising in affordable renovations


Full House Tour (Before the Renovation)


A full home tour - a heartbreaking goodbye